Crazy thoughts on art - new day

I'm redoing my blog to help me through a part of my life when I have a hard time making art working a job that I like but hurts me phyicaly. I guess I'm like most artist, while I'm at work all I can think about is get to the canvas or the camera. But when I get home all I want to do is rest and getting ready for tomorrow.

Painting is my passion but lately I have been looking into moving pictures. My friend at work is into movies and he has loaned me a camera with mini dvds. It's a profesional video camera and I have taken it out for a few shoots and found how hard it is to shoot even a small vid.

I guess the pictures in my head is easyer than reality. I think that is with all my thoughts on art

So what am I trying to get out of writing my thoughts is to move me apast this road block I have found myself for over a year. Let's see what happens.

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